Performance Metrics
Return on Investment
Calculated as: (Final Balance - Total Investments) / Total Investments
Shows your total percentage gain relative to all money invested. This includes both
your initial investment and all additional contributions.
Total return relative to investment
Annual Growth Rate
Calculated as: (Final Balance / Initial Investment)^(1/Years) - 1
Represents the consistent rate of return you would need each year to grow from your
initial investment to the final amount over the same time period. This is a simplified
calculation that treats additional contributions differently than a true time-weighted return.
Annualized rate of return
Money Multiplier
Calculated as: Final Balance / Initial Investment
Shows how many times your initial investment amount has grown. For example,
a multiplier of 2.5× means your money has grown to 2.5 times its original amount.
This metric focuses only on the initial investment, not additional contributions.
How many times your money grew
Wealth Ratio
Calculated as: Interest Earned / Final Balance
Shows what proportion of your final balance comes from compound interest rather than
your contributions. A higher ratio means your money is working harder for you.
Proportion from investment growth
Time to Double
Calculated using the Rule of 72: 72 / Interest Rate(%)
The Rule of 72 is a simplified way to determine how long an investment will take to double
at a fixed annual rate of return. When adjusted for inflation, it uses the real interest rate
(nominal rate minus inflation rate).
10.3 years
Years to double initial investment
Time to 10×
Calculated using a modification of the Rule of 72: ln(10)/ln(1+r) where r is the annual rate as a decimal
This estimates how many years it will take for your investment to multiply by 10 at the given interest rate.
When adjusted for inflation, it uses the real interest rate (nominal rate minus inflation rate).
34.0 years
Years to grow 10 times larger
Year |
Starting Balance |
Contributions |
Interest Earned |
Ending Balance |
Year 1 |
$10,000 |
$2,400 |
$791 |
$13,191 |
Year 2 |
$13,191 |
$2,400 |
$1,014 |
$16,605 |
Year 3 |
$16,605 |
$2,400 |
$1,253 |
$20,259 |
Year 4 |
$20,259 |
$2,400 |
$1,509 |
$24,168 |
Year 5 |
$24,168 |
$2,400 |
$1,783 |
$28,351 |
Year 6 |
$28,351 |
$2,400 |
$2,076 |
$32,826 |
Year 7 |
$32,826 |
$2,400 |
$2,389 |
$37,615 |
Year 8 |
$37,615 |
$2,400 |
$2,724 |
$42,739 |
Year 9 |
$42,739 |
$2,400 |
$3,083 |
$48,222 |
Year 10 |
$48,222 |
$2,400 |
$3,467 |
$54,088 |
Investment Tips
- Start early: The power of compound interest is greatest over longer time periods.
- Regular contributions: Adding even small amounts regularly can significantly boost your returns.
- Diversify: Spread your investments across different assets to manage risk.
- Be patient: Investment growth often accelerates in later years due to compounding.